Why Use Chiropractors?
Chiropractors are the primary doctors of choice for many reasons. Chiropractors are the physicians who have the greatest appreciation of the nature of soft tissue injury. With the exception of pharmacology the basic chiropractic education is equivalent to the basic medical education. Chiropractors have extensive training in diagnosis, anatomy, physiology, orthopedics, neurology, radiology, biomechanics in addition to the basic core curriculum of their medical counterparts. They are by experience and training the soft tissue experts. Dr. Shaw and his staff of physicians have taken extensive post-graduate training in fields such as electrodiagnosis, thermography, neurology, radiology, spinal trauma and orthopedics and is well prepared to demonstrate to nature of soft tissue damage.
Generally, chiropractors are reasonable and easy to work with. From the patients perspective the bottom line is results. Current research has clearly demonstrated that for the majority of injuries (particularly work injuries) chiropractic is the most effective and least costly method of care. Chiropractors address the source of the patients pain rather than cover over it with medication. Therefore, your clients receive the maximum health benefit with the least financial exposure. Happy clients refer while content clients . At the Shaw Chiropractic Group we get results and this is manifested by attorneys and patients who regularly refer.
Having been closely scrutinized by insurance companies in the past, chiropractors have always had to take documentation measures which clearly demonstrate the underlying condition. Therefore, chiropractors are proficient at documenting soft tissue injury. At Shaw Chiropractic every effort is directed towards thorough evaluation and objectification of patient complaints.
Chiropractors write timely and accurate reports. According to the American Bar Association chiropractors manage more accidentally injured cases than any other health care professional. As a result, we are familiar with the necessary reporting procedures and can make your job less stressful. It is the policy of the Shaw Chiropractic Group not to charge attorneys for routine reports or medical records.
The Shaw Chiropractic Group offices are Multi-lingual. Our offices have staff that speak English, Spanish, Italian, Mandarin and Polish. All educational materials and paperwork are available in multiple language formats allowing patients from most orientations the feeling of comfort. We also have translators available for patients speaking Russian, Korean, Vietnamese, Laotian, French, German, Bosnian and more.